

Distribution of Hecke eigenvalues for holomorphic Siegel modular forms

2024-05-22   (16:00 ~ )
UNIST Building 108, Room 320

Title: Distribution of Hecke eigenvalues for holomorphic Siegel modular forms

Date: 2024-05-22 (Wed). 16:00~

Area: UNIST Building 108, Room 320.

Speaker: Prof. 헨리 킴 (University of Toronto)

Abstract: We present two results on the distribution of Hecke eigenvalues of holomorphic Siegel modular forms. The first is the average Sato-Tate distribution, and the second is the Gaussian central limit theorem. The main tool is the vertical Sato-Tate theorem which is proved using Arthur’s invariant trace formula.

Host: Prof. 조재현



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