

Harder’s conjecture and liftings of Siegel modular forms

2024-04-04   (16:00 ~ 17:30)
UNIST Building 108, Room 320
04월04일, 유니스트에서 고등과학원 이철희 박사님의 강연이 있을 예정입니다.
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발표자: 이철희 (고등과학원)
제목 : Harder’s conjecture and liftings of Siegel modular forms
일시: 04월 04일 16:00~17:30
장소: 108동 320호 (Reading Room)
초록: Harder’s conjecture predicts surprising congruences between the Hecke eigenvalues of a classical modular form and a vector-valued Siegel modular form of degree 2. We will discuss approaches to prove the conjecture in some cases using liftings of Siegel modular forms as an application of Arthur’s endoscopic classification of automorphic representations. This is joint work with H. Katsurada.