Ouantification and Mitigation of Systemic Risk in Financial Networks Date2021-12-09 (16:00 ~ 17:15) LocationOnline(zoom)
Classification of discrete series representations for classical groups and GSpin groups Date2021-12-01 (16:30 ~ 18:30) LocationOnline(zoom)
A hyperelliptic curve mapping to specified elliptic curves Date2021-11-24 (16:30 ~ 18:00) LocationOnline(zoom)
Nonstandard finite difference/element methods for the second order elliptic equations. Date2021-11-25 (16:00 ~ 17:15) LocationOnline(zoom)
Uniqueness and orbital stability of the ground states for mass supercritical problems Date2021-11-18 (16:00 ~ 17:15) LocationOnline(zoom)
Distribution of the cokernels of random integral matrices Date2021-11-10 (16:00 ~ 18:00) LocationOnline(zoom)
The a-values of the Riemann zeta function near the critical line Date2021-11-04 (16:00 ~ 17:15) LocationOnline(zoom)
Decidability of integral points on some moduli spaces Date2021-11-03 (16:00 ~ 18:00) LocationOnline(zoom)