The a-values of the Riemann zeta function near the critical line Date2021-11-04 (16:00 ~ 17:15) LocationOnline(zoom)
Decidability of integral points on some moduli spaces Date2021-11-03 (16:00 ~ 18:00) LocationOnline(zoom)
Liquid crystal flows in an applied magnetic field Date2021-10-28 (16:00 ~ 17:15) LocationOnline(zoom)
Magnetic Quivers and Physics at Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theories Date2021-10-21 (16:00 ~ 17:15) LocationOnline(zoom)
Bounds for 2-Selmer ranks in terms of a modified ideal class group Date2021-10-13 (16:00 ~ 18:00) LocationOnline(zoom)
Counting square-free numbers in arithmetic geometry Date2021-10-06 (16:00 ~ 17:00) LocationOnline(zoom)
Calabi-Yau Geometries, Dimers and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories Date2021-10-07 (16:00 ~ 17:15) LocationOnline(zoom)
Generic local Langlands correspondence for classical groups and GSpin groups Date2021-09-30 (16:00 ~ 17:15) LocationOnline(zoom)
Automorphic periods of symplectic groups and non-vanishing of twisted central L-values Date2021-10-05 (17:00 ~ 18:00) LocationOnline(zoom)
An introduction to the control theory and optimization Date2021-09-23 (16:00 ~ 17:15) LocationOnline(zoom)