On the Kudla-Rapoport conjecture at a place of bad reduction Date2024-09-24 (16:00 ~ ) LocationUNIST Building 108, Room 320
Dimer Intergrable Model: Hamiltonians on a Chess Board Date2024-09-03 (16:00 ~ 17:00) LocationUNIST Building 108, Room 320
Tadic’s structure formula and its application on the Langlands program Date2024-08-05 (10:00 ~ 11:30) LocationUNIST Building 108, Room 320
Mathematical modeling unravels the mysteries of microswimmers Date2024-07-29 (15:00 ~ ) LocationBldg 108 Rm 320
Shimura varieties and reciprocity Date2024-07-26 (16:00 ~ 17:00) LocationUNIST Building 108, Room 320
Moduli of p-adic Galois representations and local models Date2024-07-22 (10:00 ~ 12:00) LocationUNIST Building 108, Room 320
From Boltzmann to Incompressible Euler Date2024-07-15 (10:30 ~ 11:30) LocationUNIST Building 108, Room 320
A Short History for Lp-Theories to Stochastic Partial Differential Equations Date2024-05-30 (16:00 ~ 17:15) LocationBuilding 110, Auditorium N103