[MTH Colloquium] ‘Investment, Retirement, and Borrowing Constraints’ by Prof. Yong Hyun Shin, Sookmyung Women’s University Date2023-09-15 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location110동 N103호
[MTH Colloquium] ‘The role of the pressure for the regularity of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations ‘ by Prof. Jörg Wolf, Chung-Ang University Date2023-09-07 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location110동 N103호
[MTH Special Seminar] Computational Methods for Symplectic Singularities by Prof. Amihay Hanany Date2023-10-04 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location108동 318호
[MTH Seminar] Primitively 2-universal senary integral quadratic forms, Jongheun Yoon (Seoul National Univ) Date2023-09-07 (16:00 ~ 17:30) Location108동 318호
[Mathematical Physics Seminar] Integral Character Combinations from 2D TQFTs by Dr. Adrian Padellaro Date2023-09-06 (16:30 ~ 17:30) Location108동 318호
[MTH Special Colloquium] Solutions of Schrödinger Equations with Symmetry in Orientation Preserving Tetrahedral Group Date2023-08-31 (16:00 ~ 17:15) Location110동 N103호
[MTH Seminar] Dynamics of Ostrowski skew-product: Hausdorff dimensions, 이정원 박사(Warwick Univ) Date2023-08-14 (15:00 ~ 16:00) Location108동 318호
[MTH Seminar] (Log) Prismatic F-crystals and Crystalline / Semistable local systems, I & II Date2023-07-31 (16:00 ~ 17:00) Location108동 318호
[NOTICE] Geometry of irreducible components inside the Emerton-Gee stack, I & II Date2023-07-05 (16:00 ~ 17:00) Location108동 319호
Special Colloquium ‘The Topology of Data: from String Theory to Cosmology to Phases of Matter’ by Prof. Gary Shiu Date2023-06-29 (16:00 ~ 17:00) Location108동 U110호